Disneyland Postcards

What is Your First Disney Magical Memory?

What is your first Disney memory? Was it watching a classic Disney movie on the big screen at a theater or catching the Wonderful World of Disney on the family television in your living room on Sunday nights? Maybe a Mickey Mouse comic book, a postcard sent from Disneyland or a favorite plush Winnie the Pooh snuggled nightly sparks a fond memory? Possibly the Magical memories from a first trip to Disneyland or Walt Disney World? Mine was when I watched The Wonderful World of Disney with my dad on Sunday nights. While he enjoyed Walt’s monologue, I was anxiously awaiting the cartoon shorts hoping to see Chip N’ Dale. Even on our B&W TV, these animated shorts brought joy. While everyone will have a different first memory of the mouse, they are always magical.

The topics at our family gatherings often gravitate to Disney talk.

We are a “Disney Family”. The topics at our family gatherings often gravitate to Disney talk. We can drop a random movie quote subtlety into a conversation or start a full on discussion of what renovations will go into which Disney Park next. While Disney-speak is second nature in our house, some of our friends just don’t get all references. We explain and teach “fun facts” and offhand Disney comments to others quite often. Because let’s face it, sharing our knowledge of Disney is about making memories and this knowledge is fun to share.

Over the decades, we learned much about the mouse and we continue to learn. After all, Disney is multi-faceted and always evolving. There are new exciting places to visit, stories to read, games to play and memories to make. My husband and I enjoyed Disney as a young couple, then as parents and now as seniors, we are now introducing a new generation, our first granddaughter, to the magic. There is so much to learn, explore and love about Disney, it can be intimidating. We plan to share some of our numerous adventures, magical memories, fun projects, money saving tips and so much more with our Magical Mouse Talk blog. We hope you will find our stories and ideas entertaining and informative so you can create Disney magical memories too. Stop by and join us often.


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